Thursday, November 20, 2008

all freakin' night

chris and carrie left funny comments on my last post.

i am now posting to tell ya'll about all freakin night. it is an annual film-fest here in oly where they show some really bad, usually older, scary films and some really good new ones, or just whatever seems awesome i guess. when you go, it is packed full of teenagers and adults alike, all pretty hyper and vocal about the bad parts of the films. picture mystery science theater 2000 with 200 commentors. there are short films and contests in between films and it starts at midnight, ending the morning of the next day. this was my first time going, and i left at seven a.m. and by doing so i missed most of the forth film and all of the fifth. i think the fifth was definitely overkill.

anyway, it was a lot of fun. i won some comics, but so did everyone who wanted them (there were lots). sometimes living here feels like an adult version of disneyland. if there is something awesome that should happen, it happens regardless of the logistics. it was funny at church the next day, a lady lit a candle in gratitude that her children were in their youth group instead of at all freakin' night like they were the night before.

1 comment:

"Gammy" aka "the Far Away Grandma" said...

glad you had a good time. We are so looking forward to you coming for Christmas. It is the only reason I am putting up a tree, so you will help me have a good Christmas. It is hard to be alone. We did miss you at the TG dinner table.